Got some sweet new pedals for cross. I'm hoping they come before sunday.
Coles DQ #2
Hmmmm, where to begin? Well I start with, I am totally disgusted with most mountain bikers posting on the wors board. Riders who don't even live in the state are talking crap about Cole. My question is how do you even know what happened where you even close to what happened? What I'd really like to know is what you all think of me after I was accused of cheating after alterra? Please tell me seems like the same situation to me. We both were accused of cheating everyone thought we cheated. No disrespect meant to anyone I look up to alot of mountain bikers who think that Cole cheated. So I'd like to know what some of you think about alterra, and that predicament I was in.
I finished a mtb race. I stayed with cole for half a mile after he flatted, cut the course, washed his bike, shined his shoes, and brushed his teeth. OOoooOO just a reminder to everyone, when its muddy you should put mud tires on. After cole got dq-ed i got a first place medal. YAY I feel like a winner again 1st place. Anyway I got the cross bike ready. So I can smoke Jeremey tonite at the ride. The question is, should i put coles number plate on the cross bike to look cool or not? O by the way cole I have you're number plate. I ride around the neighborhood with it on to look cool. Any way looking forward to this weekend. Fall color saturday. Then cross race sunday. I'll be breaking out my size small team wisconsin skin suit. O YEAH!!
Just an update of what i've been doing lately. Tuesday I went out to pets after school, and rode a few race pace laps. I felt pretty quick and with a few adjustments to my bike thanks to cole and the cool factor. I lowered the front end something to do with lower center of gravity idk but i'm rocking on the single track now. I dont even have to think about it anymore i just go now smooth as butter. Wensday I went out on the road bike for a quick 20 mile time trail. I felt good putting out alot of power easily with out getting tired. Today Aaron and I went out to pets again after i got out of school. Just cruised around for a bit. Then met up with jeremey and the mini goats. Had a good ride gage wiped out hardcore but got right back up and tried it again. Mitch made most of the big climbs he has tremendous potential hes gonna go a long way if he keeps at it. Well anyway looking foward to this weekend I'll be doing the parkside crit for jrs then heading out to try and protect my overall position for the 1,2 wca series . Hope to see ya there.
DPRT fiasco
Well tonite starting out being easy, but things dont always last. The jack hammer was firing on a cylinders. It took all my energy to stay on his wheel. B-dog flatted in the first 10 miles or so, but he put a new tube in and we got rolling again. The last 9 miles were insanely hard it started pouring i could barely see all i could see was the outline of the trail. Jack and I just wanted to get out of the rain so we hammered out the last 9 miles. Jeremey flatted the spiffy 29 er single speed he was riding with 7 miles, but finished it out strong. It stopped raining about halfway through my rode home so it turned out to be a decent ride 4 hours give or take. Anyone up for the speed record next week?
Anyone wanna ride this week?
Illinois crit
Yestarday cole and I drove down to some crit in chicago. I was totally ghetto glass every where on the course. The course was easy mostly flat no turns just graduall stuff around a lake. In the jrs Cole and I worked together and double teamed the other jrs attacking them. I got away for a lap then got caught. Cole attacked and easily got away. I attacked the group until they started giving us priems so i just kept getting those. Cole ended up lapping us I won the field sprint taking 3rd. I let a jr rider go just being content with taking priem after priem.
The 1,2 race was awsome. I felt like getting a good work out in. Roughly 40 riders showed up racing for 1000 dollars over 15 places. I attacked on the 2nd lap, and got away 1 other rider came with me, we easily put 30 seconds into the field. They brang us back 15 minutes in, but they never fully closed the gap and our advantage stretched out again. About 25 min in endevour decided theyd had enough of the break, and there 4 riders just pushed the pace and brang us back. After we got caught 5 riders countered. Getting a good lead. I waited a lap then bridged up taking one other rider with me. We caught the break in a lap or so sat on and starting pushing the break. I look back and i see cole latch on also to the break. So we had 8 or 9 guys in the break 3 of them were endevour. So our chances of making the break work were good. Every thing was going well until about 20 min to go some of the riders started getting shelled. So the break got narrowed down to 6. 2 riders got away. Then it was me cole and some other masters dude. We had about 16 laps to go. So we just started pulling, we kept our gap on the field. Then with 2 to go cole and i started attacking the other rider with us. He was a strong rider and kept with us. We stopped working together and pretty much sat around with 1 to go. Out of nowhere anther endevour rider bridged from the pack to us and imeddiatly attacked our group. Getting a decent gap. I waited not wanting to chase him and have everyone else on my wheel then get screwed over at the finish. I jumped on a small rise in the last stretch. I thought i had the sprint of our group easily taken when i hear a whoosh whoosh, and cole is coming up on me in the last 10 feet. I clicked it down anther gear, and took him by a few inches. He and i got 4th and 5th out of a tough field. Not bad for a couple 17 year olds. We each took home over 100 bucks on the day. I got 7 or 8 priems on the day. Which included a set of the 180 gram maxxis tires, 15 maxxis tubes, maxxis t-shirt, Vision quest t-shirt and 2 cycling caps, and 2 boxes of clif bars.
Well I had a ride to the gateway cup, but people keep holding me back. I'm really bummed/pissed I wanted to go so bad, but ya need cash to make the wheels go round. In times like these theres only one thing to do... Go beat the crap out of oursleves for 6 hours. Anyone up for a long ride saturday morning?
I'll I have to say is wow we were flying. I felt like getting a good workout in so I attacked alot after about 3 miles. No one chased me at first just let the tandem reel me back in after a mile or so. After a few attacks it was pretty much a free for all. Everyone attacking eachother, it never let up all day. I was pretty happy to make it back to the 8 mile to go mark where we usally call a truce, and cruise in. All of a sudden aaron b-dog and jerry are attacking. It got shattered from there Jack and I did a lil team tt effort and got away closely followed by donny k. and aaron. Jeremey did an awsome riding spin tuck draft spin tuck draft all day. Looks like a lil kid riding a bmx bike just spinning away. It was easily the fastest dprt ever 48 miles in 2 hours 12 minutes I heard? It felt great to finally blow off some steam after all this sandbagger/cheater shit. I will be back at wors firing on all cylinders ready to fly. The question is comp or expert? Gears or single speed?