cross #1

Yo today was the first cross race of the year. I was excited at the jrs race in the morning Kip and aaron were there so I knew it would be a tough race. They have some weird rule with cross racing ages so aaron and kip got kicked out of the race. So, it was me vs a bunch of 14 year olds. I just kinda hung out and cruised around saving it for the b's race. Wow I won musta been my lucky #4 plate. Cole wasn't there so I get to ride around with it for another week. YAY!
The b's race was cool I easily made the group barely even trying sitting 3rd or 4th wheel. I went to the front and picked up the pace. Narrowing it down to a lead group of 4 or 5. I knew some of the guys were quick starters and would drop off pretty quick. Within a lap it was Kip Spaude, Ron, Bender, and myself. I started to struggle and imediatly knew something was wrong I fell off the lead group just as aaron caught on. I look down and I see my rear tire sagging. Race over....
I'm kinda bummed, but overall I'm happy I was quick on my remounts which is something I struggled with last year. 2 weeks to the next race. Hopefully a new set of tires and some slime tubes will help keep me from flatting.
dude get rid of your super light tires and get some normal ones and you wont get flats...o yeh and fatten them up a bit get some 36s or something
yea im getting slimed tubes later this week. So, it'll be ready for the next cross race. Wanna let me keep you're number plate?
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