Washington park cyclo
Well I took the jrs pretty easy just working on getting to know the course I bunny hopped a 3 set of barriars up the hill pretty tough I think I was the only person who was able to do it.

The b's were pretty tough really flat so a big group of 10 or so stayed together for the first half the race. I picked up the pace for a lap or so, but i decided to sit up and relax for a bit. A rider from albertos picked up the pace he was super strong but made the mistake of pulling the whole race. The lead group kept getting smaller and smaller. From 10 to 7 to 5 then to 4. With a lap and a half to go a touch of wheels going into the barrairs sent myself and another rider sprawling to the ground. I was pissed my saddle was sideways, bars twisted, spokes bent, brakes rubbing and my chain was off. I just hopped back on and pedaled as hard as I could. I barely bridged back on with less than a lap to go. The other guy that crashed never made it back. With half a lap to go Damon Rinard put a daring attack in before the last set of barriars. Tom was on his wheel instantly. I was behind the Albertoes guy who was totally blown. I flew around him and bridged up to Damon, meanwhile bender attacked damon and got a pretty good gap I sat on damon until the road section then attacked him hard. Instantly I was gone, shifted down to the 12 and hammered across the gap to Tom. I latched on his wheel at the end of the pavement, rite before the downhill 200 meter downhill grass section to the finish. I went way wide on the corner which cost me a bit but I had just enough time at the end to grab the win by a couple inches.
Another Team Wisconsin 1,2

Rode for 4 hours and 15 minutes today....
chi cross
actually making it without crashing

and the one that went wrong....

Won the b's for the first time ever. 35 bucks nice.
6th in the b's today hopped the barriars first lap got a huge gap. Crashed hopping it the next lap bridged back up to the lead group, then dropped my chain the next lap. Lost pace with the lead group. Ended up 6th got good at hopping all the barrairs though pics of my wicked crashes and my mad skills later tonite.
New blog
Seems like everyone is getting a blog these days. Heres a cool one of the adventures of up and coming jr racer Thomson Remo.
Remo's blog Went out to pets again today for a couple hours build another giant log pile. Anyway headed out to cam-rock tommarow for the cyclo cross race should be fun.
I went out to pets today and did a few hours before the group ride. Got about 4 hours of ride time in. Looking to put another 4 in tommarow. To tired to talk maybe post something tommarow....

Cross race sunday was awsome. Very twisty, technical course with a sand run across a volley ball court and a log run up. I easily won the jrs just kinda screwing around saving all my energy for the catigory B race. I won a pedro bike clean kit for my hard efforts. Who knows maybe i'll clean my bike once in a while now.
The b's race was awsome my plan going into it was to shred the field for Tom and Aaron. I got the hole shot and went to work right away with setting a hard pace. I let it all hang out around the corners never touching the breaks. Through the downhill section I gained maybe 100 yards so I just kept riding. Reeling me back was a group of 3 including Tom, Jack Hirt I think, and Kip Spaude. Tom went to the front and set the pace for most of the race. He got a gap on one of the run ups and I went straight to the front and rode a false tempo on the open section then rode super slow through the tight sections. In less than a mile Tom got a 30 second gap. Jack finally relized what I was doing and tried to bridge the gap. I just sat on his wheel for the last lap and a half. He closed it down to 20 seconds, but wasn't able to get across with half a lap to go it was just Jack and I. Kip falling off on one of the hills. It was a uphill road sprint into the wind with a section off grass right before the line. I attacked him 300 yards out or so and he got on my wheel. I pushed hard I went a lil early but ended up beating him by 6 inches or so. So team wisconsin ended up 1,2 again with aaron crashing in the first laps and ending up 6th.
Did about 3 hours today.... Tommarow out to pets after school to get a few hours in before the group ride....
For the first mile and a half or so I thought I had a decent shot at a good finish. I had a good start for once. I was inbetween Jeremey and Bender sitting pretty good just soft pedaling the first mile. Coming into Napoliens jump #40 Justin Salzmen I think is his name tried to pass me as we went off the jump, and twisted my bar in mid air causing me to crash. Some people are incredibly dumb screwing someone's race over just to gain 1 spot. Needless to say I lost at least 20 spots. I just said whatever and decided to immediately get into a rhythm instead of joining up in the first lap rush for position. Several more people passed me, but coming into the end of the 1st lap I started to gain a lot on people picking 10-15 people off in half a lap. Coming up the gravel climb I stood up. I was powering up it just flying when all of a sudden I hear a clunk I slam forward on my bike racking both my knees into the bar. I just sat there for a while, but sometimes good things happen when you just sit and watch. My buddy #40 dropped his chain up the climb the next lap through racking himself in literally the same spot I did. After having a nice point and laugh. I picked myself up and rode back to get changed.
Needless to say my bike is on ebay. So if you know anyone who would be interested in buying it forward them the link.
cross #1

Yo today was the first cross race of the year. I was excited at the jrs race in the morning Kip and aaron were there so I knew it would be a tough race. They have some weird rule with cross racing ages so aaron and kip got kicked out of the race. So, it was me vs a bunch of 14 year olds. I just kinda hung out and cruised around saving it for the b's race. Wow I won musta been my lucky #4 plate. Cole wasn't there so I get to ride around with it for another week. YAY!
The b's race was cool I easily made the group barely even trying sitting 3rd or 4th wheel. I went to the front and picked up the pace. Narrowing it down to a lead group of 4 or 5. I knew some of the guys were quick starters and would drop off pretty quick. Within a lap it was Kip Spaude, Ron, Bender, and myself. I started to struggle and imediatly knew something was wrong I fell off the lead group just as aaron caught on. I look down and I see my rear tire sagging. Race over....
I'm kinda bummed, but overall I'm happy I was quick on my remounts which is something I struggled with last year. 2 weeks to the next race. Hopefully a new set of tires and some slime tubes will help keep me from flatting.
Went out to kettle to get comfortable on the cross bike before sunday. Pretty crazy stuff flying down some of the hills there. I made all the climbs on the orange loop.
38x25 all the way. Other than that nothing else to talk about. I'm pretty comfortable on the bike, and it feels really fast. So, it should be a good race tommarow..